Wednesday, February 29, 2012


 Criminal justice is a broad system that includes the practices and institutions that are put into place to uphold the law. The system aims to sustain social control, diminish crime and hold those who violate the law responsible for their actions. Laws are rules that the government sets and enforces, and laws often help maintain order within society. As a citizen of the united states I grew up in a society based around certain laws that I was expected to follow. However the society in which I grew up in made it challenging to obey those laws. I was born and raised in the city of Brockton Massachusetts for most of my childhood life, where drugs, gangs and violence became a norm for me very early in life. It was while living in Brockton where I had to make hard choices that would forever affect the man I was to become. It was while living in Brockton where I learned that criminal justice would perpetually be an important part of my life. It took a long time for me to fully understand the impact in which it had.

 Brockton was a challenging environment where poverty and violence was affecting everyone in the community. With my mother working long hours, I quickly learned that I had to be self reliant, in doing so I made friends who were in a similar case. I lacked discipline and I was making my own rules. I lied, did drugs, and broke the law relentlessly without being caught.  When I was 15 years old I robbed a gas station at gun point. I was caught and charged. After a long court process resulting in me being put on probation. My father gained custody of me where he instilled discipline, and taught me the difference between right and wrong. Maybe it was getting arrested, or maybe it was a change of scenery, but I realized at that point that I couldn't be the person I was and I desperately needed to change. I was tired of hurting the people in my life that were suppose to matter the most.

While in high school I made the decision to join the United States Marine Corps where I felt I could benefit from the structure while serving my country. In 2008 I deployed to Ramadi, Iraq as a Machine gunner. There was no fighting and we acted like a police force ensuring the locals were not committing crimes against the public. It was an easy seven month deployment that made me very grateful for the things I have in my life. I returned home in 2009 and was put into a leadership role where we started training for a deployment to an unknown destination. Little did I know that by 2010 I would be in Afghanistan. I deployed with some of the most respectful and courageous men I have had the pleasure of knowing. We worked tirelessly while engaging in some of the most horrendous firefights Afghanistan has ever seen. It is my deepest regret that we did not get to bring all the guys home alive. I lost one of my best friends and mentor while I was over in that terrible place. Unfortunately there are some things you can not change. What I have learned from his death is that regardless of how much I try or want for things to change, there are always going to be evil people in the world wanting to do harm on others. I feel as though it is my moral obligation to keep these things from happening in any way, shape,  or form. Although I have always thought about being a Massachusetts State Trooper, the events leading up to this point in my life has set that goal in stone.

 My enlistment from the Marine Corps ended in June. I'm now taking the appropriate steps towards my overall goal which is to become a Massachusetts State Trooper. From my early childhood where I lived the life of crime, to early adult years where I swore to protect my country against all enemies foreign and domestic. It seems my whole life was based around the concept of crime and justice. It just so happens that my theme is actually the thing that made me the man I am today. I have learned from my mistakes and I plan to be a better role model for others to emulate. My theme crime and justice has been a very important factor in my life that I take very serious. Hopefully someday I will be able to lower crime while increasing justice as an occupation.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Reading Journal

Should I buy a gun?

  This article is about a woman whom under goes changes in her every day life that result in her supporting the right the bare arms. The story starts of with her and her significant other in her home where her boyfriend enters with a gun. When she is told by him that it is for self defense she is not thrilled and more irritated by the second. Later on down the line she becomes surrounded by criminal acts that seem to plague her. She becomes paranoid, thinking people are following her and watching her. This eventually ruined her relationship and life until the day she decided that she would no longer fear being the victim of a violent crime. She bought a firearm for self defense and took lessons to put her mind at ease.

  I was interested at how she was judgmental at the beginning because she was ignorant to every aspect of fire arms. She was irritated at her boyfriend for going behind her back and buying a gun when it was not her place to tell him otherwise. Later on in the article she does a complete turn around when she finally realizes she won't be at ease unless she has a way to protect herself. The writer was writing in a point of view style to be informative. I feel that she wrote a good article in that it was intelligent and well thought out. She put things in perspective for those who do not support the second amendment.

  I give this article a 4 out of 5 stars. It was well thought out and kept me reading.

Rhetorical Analysis

  This ad has many words in it that have to do with crime and justice. The message is black and white with surrounding words in gray, but there is a lot more to the overall message. The color and contrast send the message about law that when it comes to crime, it can never be just black and white.  This ad encourages the viewer to realize that there are many aspects of crime and law, and to consider that there is so much to the overall system and organization. The target audience seems to be anyone in the field of law such as attorneys, judges, police etc. The ad does not seem to be targeting younger viewers or anyone in unrelated fields.

  The targeted audience would look at the overall ad and see how each individual word connects with another. An example would be the words "theory" and "society", professionals in criminalization work on making theories on society from the region or area that they may work in.  Another example would be "codes " and "roman", these words date back to when Rome put laws and codes into there judicial system as to keep order and civility in the states they conquered. This message is getting the targeted viewer to analyze the ad in detail so he or she can receive the overall message. The ad was made with the whole purpose of everything surrounds both crime and law. Those two words are bigger and bolder then the rest of the words.

  I believe this ad is hit or miss with it's target audience. On one hand it is informative and will get you to think about its overall message. On another hand it is somewhat dull will lack of color, not really putting itself out there to catch your eye. I believe most people would just look over this ad without giving it a second glance. Anyone who did take the time to look it over would see how much is involved in the message being put out.

Monday, February 13, 2012

reading journal entry

The Doctor will sue you now

The Doctor Will Sue You Now

  This article depicts the struggle of a forner millionaire who feels his name was ruined by the death of Michael Jackson. Dr. Arnold Klein believes he is entitled to money because his "good name" was ruined by the involuntary manslaughter trial of his former partner and Michael Jackson's personal doctor Conrad Murray. All of Dr. Klein's records containing Michael Jackson's medical history and treatment was brought to public eye illegally by former employees of his, showing the lack of attention and poor character of the doctor.  Since then Dr. Klein has gone to say that money has been embezzled from his accounts by terrorist's forcing him to file for bankruptcy.

   I thought the doctors sense of entitlement was ridiculous. He is partly responsible for the death of a human being and even though I do not have the most positive views of Micheal Jackson, he still has the right to live. Dr Klein feels that he is owed something from the community and I do not think this is justified based on his actions. Dr. Klein filed for bankruptcy in 2011 and said he was forced to auction off his art and memorabilia. I believe he should count his lucky stars that he is still alive unlike his patient whom he helped get addicted to Demerol, which resulted in his death.

   What I noticed about the writer is that all of his information is fact based. Most, if not all of his information, is written about events that have been documented and proven true due to the fact was in the spotlight of the media for a few years. Another thing I noticed was that the writer was biased in writing negatively about Dr. Klein, even if what he stated was true.

I give this article 3 out of 5 stars. Although informative, readers whom already have biased views of the overall situation may not persuaded one way or the other because the article was one sided.