Monday, February 20, 2012

Reading Journal

Should I buy a gun?

  This article is about a woman whom under goes changes in her every day life that result in her supporting the right the bare arms. The story starts of with her and her significant other in her home where her boyfriend enters with a gun. When she is told by him that it is for self defense she is not thrilled and more irritated by the second. Later on down the line she becomes surrounded by criminal acts that seem to plague her. She becomes paranoid, thinking people are following her and watching her. This eventually ruined her relationship and life until the day she decided that she would no longer fear being the victim of a violent crime. She bought a firearm for self defense and took lessons to put her mind at ease.

  I was interested at how she was judgmental at the beginning because she was ignorant to every aspect of fire arms. She was irritated at her boyfriend for going behind her back and buying a gun when it was not her place to tell him otherwise. Later on in the article she does a complete turn around when she finally realizes she won't be at ease unless she has a way to protect herself. The writer was writing in a point of view style to be informative. I feel that she wrote a good article in that it was intelligent and well thought out. She put things in perspective for those who do not support the second amendment.

  I give this article a 4 out of 5 stars. It was well thought out and kept me reading.

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